Archiv für Courses – Advanced training

The University of Graz and the Graz University of Technology are holding within the framework of the Knowledge Transfer Centre South (WTZ Süd) an internal advanced training in Winter Semester 2024/25 titled:

“Protect Your Inventions: Patent Protection and Patent Exploitation”

Language: German
Date: January 30th, 2025
Time: 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Venue: Kopernikusgasse 24 3 OG SR1 (NT03020), 8010 Graz


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In Winter Semester 2024/25 the course established within the framework of the Knowledge Transfer Centre South (WTZ Süd) will continue to be held at the Graz University of Technology. The goal is to contribute to the professionalisation of industry-science-co-operations by conveying essential competences to different target groups.

Course “Inventions, Patents, and Technology Exploitation”

© 2024 WTZ Süd